Simple Breathwork Techniques for Stress Relief

Does stress feel like a constant companion? I know it does for us. From deadlines at work to personal responsibilities at home, the pressures of life certainly take their toll on all of us. But no matter how chaotic life may feel, there is always a way to decompress through breathwork. This ancient practice is one of the best ways to release the burdens and find some peace in all the commotion.

Deep Breathing Exercises

Stress relief breathing exercises are designed to regulate our breath, from the rhythm to the depth. This, in turn, activates the body’s relaxation response, which does sets of several processes that:

  • Reduce the release of stress-raising hormones such as cortisol
  • Reduce and regulate our heartbeat and blood pressures
  • Improve oxygen absorption

Not only does this calm the mind, but it also eases tension in the body, promoting a sense of overall well-being.

Breathing That Stops Anxiety

One of the most powerful aspects of breathwork is its ability to halt anxiety in its tracks. You see, when we experience anxiety, our breathing tends to become shallow and rapid. This reduces the amount of oxygen that goes into our lungs and elevates stress hormones. Next thing you know, you are light-headed and confused, worsening the panic.

Deep breathing breaks this cycle. By encouraging slow, deliberate breaths, it lets us fill up our lungs completely, signaling to the brain all is well. This shuts down the “flight or fight” response and restores a sense of equilibrium.

4-7-8 Breathing

Calming breathing techniques focus on slowing down the breath, particularly by extending the exhale phase. One of the most effective methods is the 4-7-8 technique. The numbers signification how long each step takes:

  • 4 seconds for inhaling through the nose
  • 7 seconds of holding your breath
  • 8 seconds of exhaling through pursed lips

This breathing practice is the complete opposite of what we would do in a stressful or anxious situation, which is why it is so powerful. Not only does it put an end to those pesky short breaths, but it also sends oxygen-rich blood to your brain, helping you stay in control and focused.

Belly Breathing

Another quick and easy breathing that stops anxiety is diaphragmatic breathing. Also known as belly breathing, it uses the movement of your abdomen to time your breaths. Starting in a comfortable position, you place one right hand on your abdomen and left hand on your chest, breathing as follows:

  • On the inhale, breathe in through your nose. Your right-hand moves up as your left stays relatively still.
  • On the exhale, your right hand will fall down while your left stays in the same position.

Repeat this for several minutes. Remember, there is no counting. Instead, you are focusing on the sensation of your breath filling and emptying your body.

Getting Started with Breathwork

Breathwork is a natural and wonderfully accessible way to alleviate stress and promote relaxation. However, consistency is key. It is not enough to practice deep breathing for just a minute or two once a week. To truly reap the benefits, you need to regularly practice these easy relaxation methods every day.

To make breathwork a part of your daily routine, sign up with Elemental Rhythms. Our community will keep you on track through a supportive environment. Here, you join the path of personal growth and self-discovery alongside like-minded individuals through:

  • In-depth breathwork courses
  • All mind work courses
  • Guided experiences
  • Private members groups
  • Live classes on Zoom

Transform your life with our community and expert guidance. Join Elemental Rhythms and unlock inner peace and well-being now.

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