Nasal Breathing Lower Blood Pressure

Tell me if this sounds familiar: You are in an high stress situation and your heart is pounding like its about to explode. Your chest feels incredibly tight and every fiber in your body is on edge. What should you do??

You should inhale deeply… through you nose.

This is not some anecdotal advice. Nasal breathing is an evidence-based technique that has been shown to effectively show heart rate, reduce blood pressure, and lower stress. In this post, we take a closer look at the link between your health and nasal breathwork to understand its transformative power.

Understanding Breathe and Blood Pressure

Your body as a finely tuned instrument, able to self-calibrate itself to maintain harmony and balance. However, its functioning is also deeply intertwined with your emotional and mental state. Consider the following:

  • When you are feeling stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed, your body’s survival mechanism kick in preparing you for action in the face of danger. Your heart rate quickens and blood pressure rises, directing oxygen-rich blood to the muscles. You are now ready for “fight or flight.”
  • In moments of calm, peace, and contentment, your body’s relaxation response takes control. Feeling safe and secure, it slows your heart rate, lowers your blood pressure, and promotes digestion. As nutrient rich blood circulates, your body enters a state of healing and restoration.

What is truly fascinating about our innate biology is we possess the ability to influence through our deep, controlled nasal breathwork.

The Benefits of Controlled Nasal Breathing

Many studies have proven the important of nasal breathing. From filtering the air we breath to engaging our diaphragm, it has numerous benefits. However, when we combine nasal breathing with structured breathwork exercises we elevate the benefits to another level.

A 2023 study demonstrated that controlled breathwork such as somatic breathing, box breathing, and cyclic sighing measurably decreased blood pressure. Moreover, its improved the balance within the body of participants, triggering their relaxation response and deactivating their defense mechanism!

The domino effect of these biological changes is truly remarkable:

  • Reduced Stress: By reducing blood pressure, controlled nasal breathing promoted relaxation and reduced anxiety.
  • Enhanced Mental Clarity: Deep breathing increased oxygen flow to the brain improving both focus and function.
  • Improved Emotional Regulation: Regular breathwork practice aids in managing anxiety and stress, fostering a sense of calm and resilience.
  • Increased Energy Levels: With deeper inhales, oxygen intake increased, boosting energy and overall vitality.

Uplevel Your Health with Breathwork

Deep controlled nasal breathing is an incredible tool for enhancing your well-being. It gives us the direct power to reduce our blood pressure which helps manage stress, improve mental clarity, and boost energy levels. By incorporating breathwork into your daily routine, you can experience transformative benefits that support a balanced and vibrant life.

Are you ready to take control of your health and unlock your full potential? Join our community at Elemental Rhythm and start your journey towards a healthier, more centered you. Sign up today for a membership to gain instant access to:

  • Comprehensive breathwork and mind work courses
  • Guided experience and practice videos
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If you are spiritual seeker, yoga instructor, or wellness coach, looking to transform your session, sign up to our facilitator training today!

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