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Creative Visioning Process - The Proven Process to Create your Dream Life

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  1. Introduction to Manifesting - The Creative Visioning Process

    Welcome to the Beginning of Something Incredible
  2. Making a Decision Statement
    Making a Decision Statement
  3. Deepening Your Commitment - Finding Your Why
    Finding your Why?
  4. Building Belief
    Creating a Belief Statement
  5. Feeling is Believing
    Feeling is Believing
  6. Financial Abundance Mind Work Track
  7. What do you really want?
    Creating your Dream Life
  8. Refining Your Vision
    A Letter From Your Future Self
  9. The Secret to Success
    Daily Integration
  10. 7 Areas of Life Awareness and Reflection

Why is this decision important to you? Why do you really want to change? Ask yourself the 5 whys and keep going further back to the root. Ask the question why until you cant distill it down anymore. 

  • Journal 15 minutes. Examples of some prompts or why inquiries:
    • Why am I doing this?
    • Why does it matter?
    • Why is this outcome going to matter ?
    • Why do I actually want to make a change?
  • Keep writing and see what comes up. Continue asking whys until you can go no further.
  • Summarize your thoughts Create a simple why statement.
  • You can use this as your intention as well Setting intentions is the act of stating what you intend to accomplish through your actions.
  • It’s a commitment to what you want the journey to be about as you move on or move up. When you are intentional about something , your focus is in the moment : who you are, what you do, why you do it. What is your intention for doing this work?
  • Keep asking whys until you can go no further. 

Setting intentions is the act of stating what you intend to accomplish through your actions. It’s a commitment to what you want the journey to be about as you move on or move up. When you are intentional about something , your focus is in the moment : who you are, what you do, why you do it. What is your intention for doing this work?

Plant a seed of intention within yourself. Then create an environment conducive to growing that seed and watch it grow.


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