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Creative Visioning Process - The Proven Process to Create your Dream Life

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  1. Introduction to Manifesting - The Creative Visioning Process

    Welcome to the Beginning of Something Incredible
  2. Making a Decision Statement
    Making a Decision Statement
  3. Deepening Your Commitment - Finding Your Why
    Finding your Why?
  4. Building Belief
    Creating a Belief Statement
  5. Feeling is Believing
    Feeling is Believing
  6. Financial Abundance Mind Work Track
  7. What do you really want?
    Creating your Dream Life
  8. Refining Your Vision
    A Letter From Your Future Self
  9. The Secret to Success
    Daily Integration
  10. 7 Areas of Life Awareness and Reflection

Now that you have started your manifesting journey, try out one of our mind work tracks to help you practice feeling the outcomes you are envisioning, a good one to start is the Financial Abundance track. Feel free to explore complete journeys in the Mind work section of the site id there is another topic you think you would like to focus on. This will help bring some clarity into the way you really want to feel in each area of your life.  


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