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Creative Visioning Process - The Proven Process to Create your Dream Life

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  1. Introduction to Manifesting - The Creative Visioning Process

    Welcome to the Beginning of Something Incredible
  2. Making a Decision Statement
    Making a Decision Statement
  3. Deepening Your Commitment - Finding Your Why
    Finding your Why?
  4. Building Belief
    Creating a Belief Statement
  5. Feeling is Believing
    Feeling is Believing
  6. Financial Abundance Mind Work Track
  7. What do you really want?
    Creating your Dream Life
  8. Refining Your Vision
    A Letter From Your Future Self
  9. The Secret to Success
    Daily Integration
  10. 7 Areas of Life Awareness and Reflection

What is daily integration? It’s bringing the things you learn and making them a part of your daily life. Try to make it as practical as possible. The more you can bring it to your awareness and top of mind each day the better.

A good thing to review as often as possible are these four things (Daily is best)

  1. Decision Statement – Your commitment to change / growth
  2. Your Why and Intention – Why you are doing this
  3. Belief Statement – Reminding yourself all you have accomplished showing you whats possible
  4. Letter to self – Brining the vision into reality
  5. Daily Practice – Integrating it into real life.

You should have all of these written down and keep somewhere you will see them daily, in your bathroom, on your nightstand, in your car etc. It is good to read them to friends and family and really start to believe it is all possible. Get into a state of gratitude first and then remind yourself of what is being created right now. 

You can also record it on your phone or any device and listen back to it at any time or even set the audio as your morning alarm. 

Feel free to refine it over time as things change and as you think of other things to add or evolve into. There is no right or wrong here. 

As you listen back and find areas of resistance or blockage these are good areas to focus your mindwork tracks on with your client or coach.

Turn this into a part of your daily routine / ritual

  1. Breathwork
  2. Gratitude
  3. Reflect on your 4 items above and especially read your CVP Letter

Remember repetition plus emotion is what really reprograms the subconscious mind so daily practice primed by gratitude and breathwork to change your state is what we recommend for best results. You can pick any track from our guided experiences section.

What are you waiting for?

Good luck and let us know when you start to see new things happening in your life and remember sometimes things may need to crumble or break away to make room for the things you really and truly desire. So be patient and surrender to the experience. A book I highly recommend to everyone is the Surrender Experience by Michael Singer. Check it out



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