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Creative Visioning Process - The Proven Process to Create your Dream Life

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  1. Introduction to Manifesting - The Creative Visioning Process

    Welcome to the Beginning of Something Incredible
  2. Making a Decision Statement
    Making a Decision Statement
  3. Deepening Your Commitment - Finding Your Why
    Finding your Why?
  4. Building Belief
    Creating a Belief Statement
  5. Feeling is Believing
    Feeling is Believing
  6. Financial Abundance Mind Work Track
  7. What do you really want?
    Creating your Dream Life
  8. Refining Your Vision
    A Letter From Your Future Self
  9. The Secret to Success
    Daily Integration
  10. 7 Areas of Life Awareness and Reflection

Many people get lost in life because they don’t actually know what they want. Any think in terms of material things and don’t even focus on how they want to feel but rather how they think things will make them feel. In this next exercise you will meditate or be guided through an ERBE and afterwards be asked to reflect on each area of life. See what comes up and write it down this will be the foundation of creating the future you.

  1. Think back to the way you want to feel. Ask yourself some of the following questions how do I want to feel in each of the following Areas:
    1. Mental – Life / Growth / Learning / Expansion
    2. Emotional
    3. Health / Physical / Diet
    4. Relationships / Family / Friends / Career / community
    5. Career / Business 
    6. Financial / Abundance
    7. Consciousness / Spirituality Life Purpose
    8. Other – any other areas not listed above?
  1. Things to keep in mind
    • Don’t dream too big – you need to believe its possible even if its just a little
    • Don’t dream too small – make it a stretch, believe in yourself.
    • Make it Yours! – Make sure its what you want not what people want for you. 
    • Timelines – Choosing the wrong timeframe
    • Keep the End in mind – Don’t worry about the how, there are many roads to get there.
    • Embrace the chaos. – an extension of e. sometimes the route will look like a dead end or worse. Remember sometimes the current situation may need to fully implode or explode to create something new. If none of the old programs work in the new reality you may need to start from scratch, and sometimes a disaster may be perfect. (fire story – set you free)

For each area keep asking yourself the question why? Ask it 5 times for each one. Why do i really want to feel that way? Once you have got clear about how you want to feel you can start visualizing and wrtiting down what that looks like in terms of material and physical things in this reality.


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