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Creative Visioning Process - The Proven Process to Create your Dream Life

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  1. Introduction to Manifesting - The Creative Visioning Process

    Welcome to the Beginning of Something Incredible
  2. Making a Decision Statement
    Making a Decision Statement
  3. Deepening Your Commitment - Finding Your Why
    Finding your Why?
  4. Building Belief
    Creating a Belief Statement
  5. Feeling is Believing
    Feeling is Believing
  6. Financial Abundance Mind Work Track
  7. What do you really want?
    Creating your Dream Life
  8. Refining Your Vision
    A Letter From Your Future Self
  9. The Secret to Success
    Daily Integration
  10. 7 Areas of Life Awareness and Reflection


1. Write an exhaustive list of the reasons why you believe you will have the life and

business of your dreams. Include your skills, talents, education, philosophies,

experiences, personal characteristics, support systems and anything else you

can think of.

2. Use complete sentences and the word “I.”

3. Write as much as you can. Notice as your feelings and emotions begin to swell.

Write until you can’t think of anything else to write.

4. Stop, take a break, and then come back to your Belief Narrative and start writing


5. Do this three times! This serves two purposes. First, when you take a break and

then return, you will be able to go much deeper and uncover things that aren’t

right at the surface. Second, each time you continue working on this assignment

read what you have already written. This will help get you in the right mindset

and strengthen your belief in what you have written so far.

Belief Narrative Example:

“I will have a successful business because I’m great with people and

completely believe in the products I represent. I really care about my clients and their

success. I’m a great listener and my positive, energetic and motivating personality

inspires and encourages people. I have a great attitude, I’m persistent, committed and

motivated…I also have excellent sales and marketing skills, critical for growing a


(Elaborate here on past accomplishments and achievements!) Focusing on the past helps the brain recreate future success, it can recognize and the RAS will start to seek it out!


  1. Success list – start by making an excessive list of every win small and large.
  2. Make sure to Include Challenges (try to se how they are actually wins) – what did you learn, how did you survive?
  3. Reflect on all of these items and make a Belief Narrative – which is a paragraph talking about all the times you were successful or overcame challenges.
  4. Summarize this into a single Belief Statement

Belief Statement Examples:

“I can accomplish anything I put my mind to.”

“If I can conceive it and believe, it I can achieve it.”

“I can be, do and have anything I want.”

“Nothing can stop me when I go for something I really want.”


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