Sarah Myrthil

Sarah Myrthil is a dedicated breathwork facilitator for the Elemental Rhythm Breathwork Experience. Her intention is to create a safe and supportive container for change, where clients are empowered to heal themselves more deeply. Sarah’s own exploration to uncover and heal subconscious blocks led her to discover Elemental Rhythm—a transformative breathwork journey that revealed the profound potential of transmuting energy and reprogramming the subconscious mind. As a facilitator, Sarah integrates sound healing, intuitive Reiki, and Chakra healing into her practice, helping clients transcend physical limitations and connect deeply with their breath, body, and mind. Through her work, she holds space for individuals to tap into their inner wisdom and embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing.

Book Appointment

Experience the profound transformation of breathwork. I am here to guide you on a deeply personal journey, whether through one-on-one sessions, intimate group workshops, or virtual appointments from the comfort of your own space. Each session is thoughtfully tailored to your unique path, creating a sanctuary for growth, healing, and self-discovery. Embrace the power of your breath and book your session today for an experience that will resonate deeply with your soul.

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My Services

One on one private breathwork

Embark on a personal journey of discovery and healing with our one-on-one breathwork sessions. Tailored to meet your unique needs, these sessions provide a safe and nurturing environment to explore the transformative power of breath. Experience personalized guidance and support as you unlock new levels of self-awareness and well-being.

Group breathwork sessions

Join our group breathwork workshops to connect with a community of like-minded individuals. These sessions are designed to foster collective energy and shared experiences. Through guided group exercises, discover the synergistic power of breathing in unison, enhancing your practice and deepening your connection with others.

Virtual breathwork sessions

Experience the benefits of breathwork from the comfort of your own home with our virtual classes. These online sessions offer flexibility and convenience, making it easier than ever to integrate breathwork into your daily routine. Connect with a supportive online community and learn techniques to manage stress, improve focus, and enhance overall well-being.

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