Brandon R. Dwyer

Inhale the Present, Exhale the Past. We hold trauma’s deep within our muscles and bones, keeping us defined by past experiences. To grow into freedom, we must release what binds us. My passion lies in sharing my learnings in a safe and nurturing space for those in need. I am dedicated in showing up fully and authentically for each person that I worth with, facilitating the deepest levels of healing possible. It is my honor to walk alongside others on their journeys, offering compassion, understanding, and the profound tools for transformation. I’ve lived in a world defined by conformity and rigid expectations, my journey as a creative neurodivergent individual has been marked by a series of profound challenges and transformational experiences. The societal mold often felt constricting and foreign to me. I lived, conformed and created a beautiful reality (dream career, house and partner), yet I felt this internal dissonance to the life I was leading. I fell into a depression that lead to the dissolution of my marriage, loss of my dream job, and a year long period of houselessness. These events, while painful, were the catalysts for a profound awakening and beginning of my healing journey. Staying on couches of friends and family, I spent this time reconnecting and healing myself. I discovered the power of Meditation in an Ashram in the mountains of Africa. Transformational influence of Energy Healing in Costa Rica. Connection of Mind, Body and Soul with Yoga on the stone beaches of British Columbia. Restorative power of Breathwork at Yogi Hari’s Ashram in Florida. In a world that often demands masks and conformity, I strive to be a beacon of authenticity and healing, empowering others to embrace and fall in love with their truest self, finding peace and fulfillment within.

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My Services

One on one private breathwork

Embark on a personal journey of discovery and healing with our one-on-one breathwork sessions. Tailored to meet your unique needs, these sessions provide a safe and nurturing environment to explore the transformative power of breath. Experience personalized guidance and support as you unlock new levels of self-awareness and well-being.

Group breathwork sessions

Join our group breathwork workshops to connect with a community of like-minded individuals. These sessions are designed to foster collective energy and shared experiences. Through guided group exercises, discover the synergistic power of breathing in unison, enhancing your practice and deepening your connection with others.

Virtual breathwork sessions

Experience the benefits of breathwork from the comfort of your own home with our virtual classes. These online sessions offer flexibility and convenience, making it easier than ever to integrate breathwork into your daily routine. Connect with a supportive online community and learn techniques to manage stress, improve focus, and enhance overall well-being.

Yoga. Meditation. Reiki


Sarah S.

It was a beautiful act of serendipity meeting Brandon. He’s one of the most enlightened individuals I’ve ever met. His calm demeanor and loving heart radiates an aura of peace unlike no other. I really needed to collect myself and reached out to Brandon for help. He was happy to lend a hand and was so gentle with me and my delicate feelings. I felt like I was about to break due to just being so unhappy with one aspect of my life; those feelings just bled into all other parts of my life making me miserable. Brandon and I scheduled calls every Sunday morning. I can say without a doubt: that helped me manage everything I was going through and get me through the week ahead. There were tears, there was manifestation journaling, there were long talks about our place in the universe and how some things just need to be released. Since then, I’ve looked to Brandon for advice when I feel like I can’t get out of a negative space. He’s been a beacon of light, love, and understanding. I sincerely am so grateful for this mentoring experience and I am still working with Brandon to meet my transcendental goals and continue to find my happiness. 100% recommend!


From the moment we met, I realized I was meeting someone extraordinary. The way you may feel when you meet someone who exhibits the kindness and interest in others that you’d might hope to discover with those you encounter. Brandon not only talks the talk but he embodies positivity in a way that I sometimes find unbelievable. So much so that when he suggested working with him as a Happiness Mentor, I jumped at the opportunity. I cannot say that I have been on board with everything 100% but accepting that nothing happens overnight was key to me opening up to possibilities of improving and being less self-judgmental in cases where I might not be as open as I’d like to be. This is a journey that may seem foreign for many as it did, and sometimes still does for me, however I am seeing the benefits already. I have become more self aware of my thoughts and how my perception of events happening around me affects my mood. Even when things feels like they are caving in around me I am focusing on the positive which allows me to interact with the obstacles from a place of clarity instead of reactionary. If you’re considering taking this path towards creating a happier life, I could not recommend anyone better than Brandon to help guide you.

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