
  • 24 Lessons

    Deepening Spiritual Connection

    This 21 day journey will allow you to utilize specific breathing techniques to help you uncover and bring awareness to any blockages in your spiritual path. This Journey will allow for insights to come through within the ‘big picture’ of life and allow you to connect with yourself at a deeper level.
  • 24 Lessons

    Loving Your Body

    Improve how you look at yourself in the mirror and cultivate your sense of self-love.

    This 21 day journey is all about cultivating self-love for your physical form and improving your relationship with your body through rewiring how you see yourself.

  • 24 Lessons

    Shifting Inner Dialogue

    Learn to transform the inner critic and eliminate negative self talk.

    In this 21 day journey you'll be guided into the realm of your inner thoughts. These tracks are designed to bring awareness to how you speak to yourself when no one else can hear you. Through the combination of breathwork, music and prompts you'll enter into deeper states of consciousness that will allow you to begin to change your internal dialogue and eliminate negative self-talk.

Try Our Free Breathwork Course

5-Day Journey to Discover the Magic of Breathwork