Lesson 1 of 0
In Progress

Coaching Objectives

  1. Confidentiality

Although we are not governed by any association or board we must uphold or maintain confidentiality at all times. Things that come up in sessions may be personal, and could potentially cause ill effects if shared publicly, we shall have an oath to not publicly disclose anything shared within your sessions with the client UNLESS there is a legal or moral obligation*

Creating a safe container for the client to open up in is important and this is built over time. Usually with this type of breathwork, bonds are formed fairly quickly and a lot of barriers come down quite quickly. However we never want to pry or impose on people and gently inquire if they feel comfortable to share in the inspection parts of the sessions. 

*In this case, it is advised to call the appropriate authorities. If your client is putting themself or another in harm’s way of harm whatsoever it is your duty to report them or ask for help in dealing with the situation while at the same time maintaining public confidentiality and letting the authorities deal with the situation.

  1. Giving Advice

At all costs with this method we will do our best to avoid giving advice in sessions. All of the interaction we will be doing will be asking the right question and allowing the client to come up with their own observations and conclusions. This is the most powerful way to transform someone when the answers come from within. If you are asked you can share what has worked for you in similar situations however we will never tell anyone what they should or should not do.

If you are combining this with another certification or training we would advise to separate the session if possible and have a clear distinction between the two. If you are unsure please reach out to discuss. We have designed the process in a specific way to achieve what we feel will be the best results for the client.

  1. The Right Questions

As you become more  acquainted with the methods that will be taught later in the course there will be a series of questions you can ask clients as they are in the integration part of their session.  In addition to this there will be a post session integration whereas coaches we will help them to unpack more of the experience, set intentions and accountability and reflect on life.

  1. Active Listening (Note Taking)

As a coach a main part of your role will be actively listening to your client. In the session there is no expectation for them to speak out loud but rather process internally all the prompts you will be offering them. You may take some notes on body language or things they said (not to interpret) but to share back with them. Once you have had your post breathing integration session you will let them know what they said/shared. You will be a mirror for them. 

Although simple, this alone is a super powerful tool just to read back what the client said to you, even if it doesn’t make sense at the time or they are unsure about something. The more awareness or light we can shed on the experience the more likely they are to eventually have a breakthrough or aha moment.

  1. 80/20

One of my favorite rules in life is the 80/20 rule. A masterful coach will only do 20% of the talking and allow the client to express themselves only probing deeper with simple questions. Your goal is to keep the client talking and expressing and giving them feedback as to what you hear them saying. We are trying to uncover deep truths and root causes so they can create change. 

Some great prompts: 

Tell me more… I see… please explain further

How did you feel?

What meaning do you give this…

When was the first time you observed this pattern?

Is there a pattern of this feeling experience?

(Pause with silence)

Where does this come from?

Why do you think you are experiencing this?

Could there be something you currently don’t see or are unaware of?

What do you think you can do to change this?

  1. Holding Space and Intuitive Guidance

The environment in which you do your coaching is very important for setting the tone of the session. Should be clean, comfortable and decluttered (whether in person or online). You should treat it similar to the setting for a breathwork class/session as described in level 1. Your setting will also have an effect on your energy and the way you show up to a session.

Holding space also means being present, having your electronics turned off, being attentive etc. This is a practice and skill that comes with time and practice. Being warm and welcoming to your client is also important, a smile (a hug if it permits) body language all contribute to holding space. 

Another aspect of holding space is finding the fine line between showing confidence in your skills and also being humble. We need to be assertive with our prompts and follow ups but not too demanding, bossy or pushy with our clients. Assertiveness is believing in them and wanting to help them succeed….at the right pace for where they are at. Tune In***

What does it mean to guide with intuition? It’s a practice to develop and it is a tool that you build in and out of sessions. Quieting your mind and listening to your feelings, being objective (not letting any of your stories or perspectives get in the way) , trusting what is best for them in their current situation. This could look like just quiet space, asking specific questions, changing something on the fly or suggesting something you feel may help them. This process and training will give you a bunch of tools at your disposal but it is up to you to hone your craft and know when to use what. As you gain experience and practice being present it will become clearer and clearer as time goes on.

  1. Accountability – Recap, Follow Up, Action Steps

Recapping the session – its really a powerful process to read back your notes to your client to make sure what they are saying and what you are hearing is aligned. Sometimes them just hearing back their own words can unlock a much deeper layer of awareness and perspective. You in a sense become like a mirror to them .

Again another very important aspect of coaching is how do you hold yourself and your clients accountable. Be a living example first and foremost. In regards to the client and the value you bring to them, remember most content can be found online for free today. However you provide emotional support, guidance (without giving advice), and most importantly accountability. Creating a plan for each client and helping them to be accountable will make the difference between success and failure for most people or maybe better said as progress vs stagnancy. 

  1. Reminding the client of their Innate Powers

When we coach clients it is also very important to let them know that they hold the power to heal themselves. Not to give it away to a doctor, coach, guru, energy healer or anyone else other than themselves. All of these people can play an important role in support and potential healing of an individual, but the true power lies within the self. All of the innate tools and wisdom already exist within each person. The coach is here to help guide them to find their own answers and discover self empowerment.

Coach Code of Conduct (See Downloadable PDF below)


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