Breathing Fundamentals

The average human takes roughly 20,000 breaths per day. Are you making every one of them count? This course will teach you exactly how you can optimize each breath. Optimizing your breathing can help reduce stress, improve recovery, improve your mood, increase athletic performance, improve circulation, and more!

The average human takes roughly 20,000 breaths per day. Are you making every one of them count? This course will teach you exactly how you can optimize each breath. Optimizing your breathing can help reduce stress, improve recovery, improve your mood, increase athletic performance, improve circulation, and more!

We take you step by step through different areas of focus, different practices and patterns as well as practical ways to integrate these new breathing techniques into your every day life. 

All it takes is a little practice, some repetition and focus and the new breathing habits will replace the old. The human body is resilient and incredibly adaptable, sometimes we just need to take a corrective course of action. The same way you trained your body (consciously or subconsciously) to breath incorrectly over the last years (maybe decades for some) we can fix that in a relatively short amount of time depending on the amount of practice you are willing to put in (its probably much less than you are thinking right now.

Im excited you have decided to invest in yourself and look forward to breathing with you on this journey. 

Don’t forget to join the Breathing Fundamentals Accountability Group for questions and to connect with other members so we can grow together and hold each other accountable. 

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Course Includes

  • 19 Lessons

Ratings and Reviews

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12 Ratings
What's your experience? We'd love to know!
Lee Vanzyl
Posted 1 month ago

Learned a lot, at this stage of the game, it is challenging for me

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Ashor Ojanes
Posted 1 month ago
Amazing Course

This course is valuable and provides excellent information and resources for breath work. Thank you for this wonderful course.

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Karen Olean
Posted 2 months ago
Great Techniques and Reminders

Great review of different breathing techniques and also good reminders about the incorrect way of breathing as well. Loved the detailed examples as you are guided every step of the way through the videos.

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Andrew Wong
Posted 8 months ago
Health starts with breathing

Thank you for this course! BreathWORK is fundamental to wellness and this should be required education for all humans! I felt more energized and uplifted and really appreciated the level of depth and detail of the different types of breathing, the science of the benefits of increasing CO2 tolerance, and the challenge to improve my health via breathWORK.

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Sam Trinity
Posted 12 months ago
Great Knowledge

Thank you for this information so greatly compiled. Definitely going to bring this into my practices.

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Peter Heinrichsohn
Posted 2 years ago
A Spiritual and Structured Approach unlocking the power of breath.

I got so much out of this self-paced highly entertaining course. I took it as part of the Level-1 facilitator training class I am attending. I have learned a lot from Gio whom I met personally while he visited Anchorage. It is great to see that learning from him online is just as good.I look forward to watching many more classes.

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Jason Korthauer
Posted 2 years ago
Beginning or veteran to breathwork. Simple information, effective techniques!

The course was simple, broken up into appropriate episodes and has very effective techniques to begin to breathe in new expansive ways. It also offers exercises and measurements so you can track your progress and see how simple and quick it is to improve your breathing with intention and practice. With these simple beginnings you open up a path for the breath itself to begin to teach you!

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Posted 2 years ago
Simple, Clear, practical

Breathing fundamentals is a simple & practical course. I will recommend it to everyone. We can all need a refresh on how to breathe properly.

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Kathy McAlpine
Posted 2 years ago
There is a facilitator if you wish.

I didn't know what to expect. The coarse is well organized and easy to follow. Going back to review is very helpful. I wanted to tell you that I'm not much of a journal person. Perhaps I will take the coarse you offer. Thank You Kathy

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Posted 3 years ago
Breathwork is life

This course was very easy to understand and implement the lessons learned.

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