Mind Work

Mind Work Tracks (MWTs) combine breathwork, visualization, music, meditation and subconscious reprogramming techniques to take you on a 21-day journey of transformation.

Studies have shown that one of the most effective ways to reprogram the subconscious mind is through repetition plus emotion.

We have created a step-by-step process that builds and guides you over 21 days to rewire your brain. See our list of categories below and get started today on something you want to work on in your life!


Self Awareness

Grow, expand, and thrive in your personal development by utilizing the power of breath and reprogramming to transform how you see yourself.

Emotional Healing

Heal through presence, raised awareness, and intention. With these Mind Work Tracks, you’ll dive deeper into your limiting beliefs than you have ever done before.

Relaxation / Distress

Slow down and unplug with the power of the breath. Reduce your stress and anxiety in minutes by following the guidance of these powerful tracks!


Improve your emotional understanding of yourself and others and be able to connect with your loved ones in a deeper and richer way.

Motivation & Success

Push past your boundaries and free yourself from the limiting beliefs that are slowing down your financial and life success.

Self Awareness

Emotional Healing

Relaxation / Distress


The Rhythm
Begins With You

Try Our Free Breathwork Course Here!

We get it – there’s an abundance of information about breathwork and it can feel overwhelming to know where to start. To make your life easier, we have created this free micro immersion introducing you to Elemental Rhythm breathwork.

Learn how to:

  • Change your mood in just 10 minutes
  • Harness the full potential of each breath
  • Have breakthroughs on demand through the Elemental Rhythm Breakthrough Experience


Learn this instant hack to breathe better, experience the euphoria of your first breathwork breakthrough, and more.