Breathwork Facilitator Training

In Just 6 Weeks, You Can Run 1 on 1 Sessions, Group Classes and Workshops, Online or In-Person!

Help People Transform and reach their full potential through the Elemental Rhythm Breathwork Facilitator Training.

Inhale to Increase Your Income, Impact, and Influence

Have you ever felt like you should be happy, but you can’t let go of that constant feeling that there’s more to life?

Maybe you’re stuck in a job that you aren’t truly passionate about. Overwhelm and stress have become so normal you have forgotten how life was without them.

Yet you can’t help but feel that deep calling, that voice telling you you’re meant for more… more impact, influence and income… but maybe it’s just a distant dream.

Or maybe you’re already working with clients – through yoga, coaching or mindfulness practices – but can’t get them to experience those profound, life-changing transformations they yearn for.

Imagine how it would feel to wake up to messages from your clients telling how they can finally sleep at night after years of insomnia.

How they can go for long walks or play with their kids again without that numbing pain.

How they can participate at social events without anxiety.

How they have reconnected with their creativity and started to make art, dance, and write again after years of stagnation.

That’s the kind of messages our facilitators get – and you could, too!

Because you are meant for more. Your gifts are needed in this world.

In just 6 weeks, you can live your life purpose and build a thriving business supporting people in feeling more grounded, connected and powerful – whether you have years of experience or have never taught before.

When you get certified as an Elemental Rhythm Breathwork Facilitator, you become part of a high-vibe, supportive community of 100+ people from various backgrounds that have successfully completed the training and are working with their own clients.

And the demand for breathwork facilitators has never been higher. Are you ready to answer the call?

Breathwork is the next BIG wellness trend! Demand is increasing daily and I only see it increasing exponentially over the next decade!

– Giovanni Bartolomeo

Exhale to Expand Your Expertise and Create Life-Changing Experiences

Breathwork is one of the most rewarding tools to offer your new or existing clients. In the breathwork facilitator training, you’ll learn how to help your clients have quick yet lasting changes, leading to less anxiety and stress and more peace and presence.

Still doubting your capacity to guide others towards breakthroughs? Know that people from all walks of life have successfully completed the training and started making money by facilitating breathwork-based experiences.

Our breathwork facilitators are making waves working with

  • CEOs and doctors seeking to boost performance and productivity
  • Festival and retreat attendees looking for a memorable experience and connection
  • People who have suffered trauma and chronic disease seeking pain alleviation
  • Anyone wanting to increase their overall productivity and happiness

It’s safe to say breathwork is on a rising tide. Taking the Elemental Rhythm Breathwork Facilitator training gives you a competitive edge in the exploding wellness space. By entering the game now, you’re still one of the early adopters with plenty of time to establish yourself as an authority.

One of the greatest feelings in the world is guiding someone through an Elemental Rhythm Breakthrough Experience. The realization that they have everything they need, and it already exists within them is a powerful tool. Breathwork is one of the most simple yet powerful tools I have come across in my entire life and I have tried A LOT of things. It is an ancient secret ready to be re-shared with the world.

– Giovanni Bartolomeo

Hear from our Breathwork Facilitators

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Sachin Patel

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Jermaine Fuller

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Wes Greenwood

Here’s How the Elemental Rhythm Breathwork Facilitator Training Can Springboard Your Dream Life

Learn a Safe, Life-Changing Tool to Guide Your Clients

Breathwork is based on ancient wisdom, backed by modern science. More people than ever are looking for answers and searching for solutions to cope with anxiety, overwhelm and stress. Breathwork is a non-invasive, safe method that doesn’t require expensive props. The Elemental Rhythm Breathwork Facilitator Training allows you to help your clients release lifelong trauma, break limiting beliefs and activate physical and emotional healing.

Be your own boss and Add an Extra Income Stream

Hosting Elemental Rhythm Breathwork sessions can be a welcome complement to your income – or allow you to launch your new business, all while having a real impact. You’ll get business support throughout the training to help create that freedom-based lifestyle. Teaching breathwork fits into your schedule and is easy to teach anywhere you go: at yoga studios and retreats, in corporate settings, in nature, at the beach, or online. Where will you host your first session?

Get a Competitive Edge and Stand Out On a Saturated Market

Our clients rave about how Elemental Rhythm sessions are both deeply healing and fun. Besides being an incredibly powerful tool in itself, breathwork fits seamlessly into any other healing modality you’re offering. Supercharge your healing or therapy sessions by integrating breathwork. Your clients will get lasting results faster and chances are high they’ll recommend you to their friends!

Learn How to Match Music with Mood to Bring People Deeper

Elemental Rhythm combines breath, movement, meditation and music for an experience like no other. As the name implies, rhythm and music have a central role. In the breathwork facilitator training, you’ll learn how to use the healing power of music to evoke emotions, take your clients deeper and provide that extra fuel to help them reach breakthroughs. Curating playlists and using sound healing instruments are considered one of the most exciting and rewarding aspects of the training by many of our students!

Get the Confidence to Teach

Maybe you’re already a seasoned space holder. If not, you’ll get to dive in the deep end of the pool quickly to build confidence in a safe environment with uplifting feedback. You’ll be surprised at how fast you evolve – you’ll soon host breathwork experiences as naturally as brushing your teeth! No previous experience required. In fact, some of our best facilitators had never even done anything remotely close to this, they just came with an open mind and willingness to learn and a passion for breathwork and we took care of the rest.

Join a Supportive Community

Starting to facilitate transformative experiences can evoke a lot of emotions. It can feel exciting and fulfilling, but also vulnerable. What makes Elemental Rhythm stand out is our amazing community of facilitators. You’ll get to join our monthly calls to discuss challenges and wins with more experienced facilitators and teachers who can relate to your experiences. Many friendships have been made – you can stop looking for your soul fam!

The Guide to Becoming a Breathwork Facilitator:

Living you purpose and transforming lives through breathwork

Reading about becoming a breathwork  facilitator is one thing. Experiencing it another. That’s why we put together the Guide to Becoming a Breathwork Facilitator.

In this guided experience, you’ll get to:

and more! This experience will bring you clarity on whether the Breathwork Facilitator certification is for you. Signing Up For This Free Experience Can Transform Your Life!

Are you ready?

Messages from Our Clients

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Elemental Rhythm Facilitator

Breathwork is getting a lot of attention and rightly so as it can be one of the most powerfully health promoting practices that exists. The expertise of the practitioner in knowing what each individual needs, when and how to access it is the key to creating a powerful peak experience. Gio has mastered the art of directing a powerful breath practice. His authentic and grounding nature creates an ideal Space for the experience. My time with him was valuable, memorable and I always look forward to the next time.

Ben Pakulski

Professional Body Builder, High Impact Coach,

Elemental Rhythm Participant

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Elemental Rhythm Participant

Before attending Gio’s breathwork techniques I had no idea, how incredible, invigorating it would be. I literally feel the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Meditating to soothing music and feeling stress float away. The feeling is incredible, after each session I feel less anxiety, more energy, my self awareness increases. Most important (for me), I go home and have the best sound sleep!

Thank you Giovanni, for all you do, in the name of Love, Peace and Harmony! Love for One Love for All

Carrol Isaacs

Lead Talent Aquisition Advisor

Elemental Rhythm Participant

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Genya Klaiman

Elemental Rhythm Facilitator


The breathwork experience with Gio is incredible! It has been an amazing resource for deeper self-connection, awareness and to feel more grounded on a regular basis. I highly recommended this to everyone! Gio is a fantastic guide in the experience.

Thais Gibson

Founder of The Personal Development

Elemental Rhythm facilitator

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Elemental Rhythm Participant

Elemental Rhythm Breathwork has taken the beautiful healing modality of breathwork to the next level!! I truly feel that no stone was left unturned to find all the essential components necessary to ensure the wonderful and complete feeling of wholeness presented by this experience.

Matt “Freq” Casey

F-16 Fighter Pilot Lt Colonel, USAF (ret)

Elemental Rhythm Participant


The Elemental Breathwork Training was such an eye opening experience. Learning not only how to teach the Elemental Rhythm Breathwork Experience, but also the power of our breath on our mind, body and spirit was so empowering. This unique breathwork training allows you to tap into your own creativity to combine movement, sound, breath and meditation to curate a beautiful class.

Alia Jiwani 

Yoga Instructor

Elemental Rhythm Facilitator

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Nikki Singh

Elemental Rhythm Facilitator


Elemental Rhythm Breathwork is a unique and powerful experience that has the potential to change lives. As a coach, mom and entrepreneur I am a firm believer in the power of breathwork as a daily practice to help bring balance and clarity to your life!

Natalie Jill

High Performance Coach, Entrepreneur, Mom

Elemental Rhythm Participant

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Elemental Rhythm Facilitator


Breathwork is an incredible modality that helps maintain focus, clear the mind and improve performance. I really found the elemental rhythm breathwork experience impactful and can see its potential to help many people.

Kelly Slater

11 time world surfing champion

Elemental Rhythm Participant

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Fabian Peralta

Elemental Rhythm Participant

The Rhythm
Begins With You

Try Our Free Breathwork Course Here!

We get it – there’s an abundance of information about breathwork and it can feel overwhelming to know where to start. To make your life easier, we have created this free micro immersion introducing you to Elemental Rhythm breathwork.

Learn how to:

  • Change your mood in just 10 minutes
  • Harness the full potential of each breath
  • Have breakthroughs on demand through the Elemental Rhythm Breakthrough Experience

The Elemental Rhythm Coaching Journey

Breathwork facilitator

Breathwork coach

Breathwork Teacher

The Story Behind the Elemental Rhythm Breakthrough Experience

Giovanni Bartolomeo created the Elemental Rhythm Breakthrough Experience after over 10 years of experimenting with different techniques and modalities within breathing, sound, meditation and movement.

He looked for the perfect blend of ingredients that would give lasting effects: help release tension and emotional blockages, find clarity, improve performance, deepen his meditation practice and increase self-awareness. Elemental Rhythm Breakthrough Experience was the fruit of that exploration.

Combining movement, using the cadence of music as a guide and very specific and powerful guided meditations unlocked a deeper level of self-awareness within himself that he wanted to share with others.

Shortly after, he started to share the method to others. He soon saw friends, family and clients experience similar breakthroughs – after just one session!

It wasn’t long before people started asking him: could you teach us the method?

At first, he hesitated. had never taught anything before and wasn’t even sure if he could.

But Gio had a deep inner knowing, a conviction that his mission was to help as many people as possible. To change the lives of thousands of people. And he couldn’t do it alone – so he finally agreed on trying to teach the method.

What happened next blew him away. Not only did he share his method with others – they were able to make it their own by bringing aspects of themselves into the process, giving it their own unique style and flavor.

And just like that, the Elemental Rhythm Breathwork Facilitator was born and Gio saw his first batch of students help others have breakthroughs. The ripple effect started and today, Elemental Rhythm is growing exponentially all over the world.

And now it’s your turn to become an Elemental Rhythm Breathwork Facilitator

Through the Breathwork Facilitator training, you’ll learn two signature sessions: the Elemental Rhythm Breakthrough Experience (ERBE) which is more masculine/yang, and the Elemental Flow which is more feminine/yin and also specifically created for those who may have difficulty with more intense breathing practices or a history of trauma and or panic attacks. Think of them like power yoga vs. yin yoga.

You’ll learn everything you need to share a powerful Elemental Rhythm Breakthrough Experience combining various breath holds, sound, movement, guided meditation and sharing circles for an experience like no other.

  • Movement to release
  • Breathing to reset
  • Meditation to relax
  • Integration to revive

You have the support from our community and a proven framework – with the freedom to add your own unique flavor.

Completing the Breathwork Facilitator Training enables you to:

  • Create a profitable breathwork business – or add an income stream to your existing business by doing something truly impactful and fulfilling
  • Live your life purpose by helping others find more clarity, peace and contentment in life
  • Facilitate a fully curated Elemental Rhythm Breakthrough Experience
  • Build community and launch your breathwork business (or integrate it into your current business)
  • Connect with our network of incredible breathwork students and facilitators through monthly calls and a Signal group
  • Hold space for people at different stages in their journeys and create a safe environment conducive to breakthrough experiences
  • Host 1 on 1 and Group Sessions – online and in-person, for recreational and therapeutic purposes
  • Gain skills to use music to create your own Breathwork Playlist
  • Use the healing power of music to help people release blocks and access deeper layers of themselves to facilitate breakthroughs
  • Get additional tools to support your community and clients on their personal development journey
  • Deepen your personal practice and experience the power of breathwork for yourself

What’s included in the Breathwork Facilitator Training?

  • 70+ hours of training
  • Live Online Workshop: 2 full days of training Online Via zoom (15 hours)
  • Weekly Zoom Calls: 1 Hour per week over 6 weeks (6 hours)
  • Access to exclusive Signal community for support and questions in between calls
  • Self Practice Online Facilitator Course / Home Study: You will be given homework for daily self practice approx 30 minutes per day. (20 hours)
  • Partner Practice Calls: You will be assigned a weekly partner who is also studying to get certified to practice weekly (12 hours)
  • 10 Independent Practice Sessions: Once you have completed the initial training, you will need to do 10 practice sessions with family and friends. (90 minutes each total 15 hours)
  • Final Examination: You will need to demonstrate (online) your abilities to facilitate a full session and will be graded with a pass or fail (2 hours)

Hear from our Breathwork Facilitators

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Rita Savoia

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Training Dates and Locations

These trainings are partially hosted by Gio and selected Educators.

Breathwork Facilitator Training
Online only
Sept 14th - 15th, 2024
In Person
Breathwork Facilitator Training with Gio
Sedona, USA
Oct 19th - 20th, 2024
Breathwork Facilitator Training
Online only
Oct 26th - 27th, 2024
Breathwork Training Bundle

Elemental Rhythm Educator Trainings

Learn from a certified Elemental Rhythm educator.

In Person
Breathwork Facilitator Training with Lisa Morris
Puntarenas, Costa Rica
Sep 28th - 30th, 2024
In Person
Breathwork Facilitator Training with Lisa Morris
Seattle, Washington
Oct 19th - 20th, 2024


The Breathwork facilitator training with Elemental Rhythm gives you comprehensive training and a competitive edge. Some of our students are already yoga teachers, have a life coaching practice or do some kind of healing work. With breathwork training, you can add one of the most versatile tools on the market to your range of services and offers. You can offer online breathwork, individual breathwork classes, breathwork workshops and group sessions. You can quickly build your own breathwork community where you can upsell your other healing practice services. Hosting a breathwork session is one of the fastest ways of creating a dedicated community! If you continue with the Coach program, you’ll learn how to use breathwork and coaching, while the Educator program allows you to arrange your own breathwork facilitator training programs.

As a breathwork facilitator, you can easily help people towards profound healing experiences and deep shifts. And it is when we change ourselves that we change the world. First of all, you will inevitably go on a personal journey throughout your studies – a journey that continues once you start facilitating for clients. When you experience change for yourself, you will understand how much you can change for clients through offering breathwork sessions. Our breathwork students report physical and mental health benefits together with better emotional management and trauma healing.

Yes. Once you have completed your 10 practice sessions successfully, and passed your final exam, you’ll get certified and have the opportunity to be featured on our website. People can then search for facilitators in your area and find your contact information to book their breathwork sessions with you!

Yes! We’re happy to announce that many of our facilitators have started hosting paid sessions immediately, even with no prior experience. As a mandatory part of the certification of the breathwork facilitator training, you get to complete 10 practice sessions which can help you connect with potential clients before you’ve even graduated!

The total investment for the Facilitator training, with the initial weekend, 6 training calls, all material needed, access to our community of facilitators, lifetime access to our breathwork online platform, examination and certification is currently $2,395 for online or in-person training.

Due to increased demand, prices can change – so we recommend registering as soon as you feel ready!

At Elemental Rhythm, we provide users the flexibility to learn using their preferred method. Whether you are the kind of person that prefers to attend in-person sessions or enjoy the flexibility of online options, you can find what you need to get started on your breathwork journey when you choose us.

Many have found success in their businesses and careers after attending our online breathwork teacher training programs.

Breathing is essential for all life, and although many are able to get enough oxygen into their systems to stay alive, they do not breathe correctly.

Unfortunately, these improper breathing techniques can cause a host of health-related complications. Busy lifestyles often take our minds off our health and well-being, and conscious breathing can be used to regain focus and improve general health.

High blood pressure, erectile dysfunction, asthma, anxiety, and more can occur as a result of incorrect breathing.

Learning how to manage and regulate breathing requires understanding a variety of techniques. Breathwork is a powerful tool that both educators and students can use to enhance their spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental well-being. It is commonly used by therapists to alleviate tension, anxiety, illnesses, and trauma.

Breathwork facilitator training programs provide the information you need to teach others about the importance of conscious, connected breathwork to ensure that your body receives the benefits that nature intended.

Many discover after practicing breathwork during one of our courses how impactful it can be. Suppose you have begun to share your knowledge with others. In that case, you should consider making something out of it!

With our online breathwork teacher training, you can establish a reliable career and make money teaching others important breathwork practices and encouraging them to focus on their personal healing.

If you already have a breathwork practice or business that focuses on health and wellness, you can add breathwork sessions to your list of offerings. Once you learn the art of conscious breathing after taking your own personal journey, you can teach others to do the same.

We also offer a online Coach breathwork course that you can use to host your own breathwork sessions, so if this is something you are interested in, then you will need to sign up for the next step after completing your breathwork facilitator training.

You may also pursue a job in the field of alternative medicine. To find reputable institutions, you can visit the Global Professional Breathwork Alliance website to view a list of approved breathwork practitioners.

No. Yoga incorporates various other elements that breathwork training does not. When teaching yoga, you will need to know how to practice different poses and teach concentration.

Our breathwork training program will teach you all you need to know about personal healing through breathwork sessions, and while yoga does teach breathwork, you will need to receive additional training to become a yoga instructor.

Suppose you already have yoga certification. In that case, attending breathwork teacher training programs can make you an expert in this area and help you stand out from your competition.

The good news is that you do not need any prior breathwork certification to attend our Facilitator course and begin learning how to teach modern breathwork techniques. Simply sign up, and you’re ready to start your breathwork journey! If you need more details about our breathwork training programs, please get in touch with us!

No. Our breathwork sessions are for anyone! These techniques are used in a variety of professions, so whether you are a doctor hoping to calm a patient down or a Reiki practitioner helping a patient through a personal journey through a breathwork session, you can benefit from online breathwork teacher training.

No, you don’t have to practice breathwork training professionally after attending breathwork training. Ultimately, your breathwork journey is your own, and what you do with the breathwork teacher training you receive from us is entirely your choice.

Yes! Upon completing our breathwork training program, you will be issued a certificate to confirm that you have received formal training. If you wish to become a certified breathwork facilitator and host a professional training program, be sure to learn more about our Coach and Educator training programs.

One of the questions we often hear is, “Do I really need to attend formal training to practice breathwork?” The answer to this question is yes.

Because breathwork can present dangers, such as dizziness, chest pain, clouded vision, muscle spasms, and more when done incorrectly, receiving formal training if you’re going to teach others to use these techniques is essential. Breathwork teacher training not only helps you to perfect breathing techniques, but it also teaches you how to train others to do the same.

Absolutely! You will learn all you need to know about training others and will have access to our community and respected educators to find the answers to your questions. If you need additional support, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us, and we’ll provide more information.

Do you have more questions about our Breathwork Facilitator Training program? You can contact us by completing the online form, and we will gladly provide more information!



Learn this instant hack to breathe better, experience the euphoria of your first breathwork breakthrough, and more.

Have questions or want to learn more?

Book a discovery call.